Tongue-tie Add-on Presentations Pack 2014
GOLD Lactation is proud to announce a NEW SERIES of lectures called Tongue-Tie 2014. We're offering new topics by leading industry experts to dive into this hot topic. Designed to meet the needs of IBCLC's, physicians, nurses, midwives, doulas, and other health care professionals working in breastfeeding or lactation issues, this package addresses the problems faced by infants with structural challenges and compromised sucking skills. As well, this special package touches on current lactation research, and staff education of this health care specialty.
Offered as a separate product from our main conference, Tongue-Tie 2014 is available as an add-on feature only to those who register for the GOLD Lactation Online Conference. *There are no live presentations with this series of lectures, all of the Tongue-Tie Pack lectures have been pre-recorded.
*Only those registering for the main conference, or have registered for the main conference will have the ability to purchase this lecture pack. You will have the opportunity to purchase this add-on at the time of conference registration, or anytime afterwards (during the time of the conference).
Speakers & Presentations
Topic Info
Dr. Hazelbaker has been a therapist for over 30 years. She specializes in cross-disciplinary treatment and to that end has taken training in several modalities to best assist her clients. She is a certified Craniosacral Therapist, a Haller Method practitioner, a Lymph Drainage Therapy practitioner, a Pre and Perinatal Psychology Educator and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in private practice. She has authored three books, several monographs and performed clinically relevant research. As an innovator, she invented the Hazelbaker™ FingerFeeder to address infant sucking problems.
Abstract:Has the incidence of tongue-tie increased or are we seeing more cases of "tongue-tie" because of poor differential diagnosis? In this presentation, Dr. Hazelbaker describes the differences between actual tongue-tie and sucking issues that can appear to be tongue-tie due to structural restrictions that pull the tongue back in the throat. She provides the conceptual framework for such an occurrence and shows both pictures and video that help the participant grasp the differences between the two thereby distinguishing a true tie from a faux tie in his or her clinical setting.
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Bobby Ghaheri, MD is a board certified ear, nose and throat specialist with The Oregon Clinic in Portland, OR. His interest in treating children with tongue and lip-tie stems from his ardent support of breastfeeding and was furthered by his personal experiences, as his youngest child benefited from treatment for it. He enjoys working with children and has an interest in traditional and non-traditional approaches to pediatric pain control. To communicate with him, feel free to email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter at @DrGhaheri.
Abstract:While most breastfeeding problems can be managed effectively by a lactation consultant, situations arise where conservative interventions are ineffective in improving symptoms of a poor latch. Infant symptoms (aerophagia, poor weight gain, falling asleep prematurely, or frustration at the breast) or mother's symptoms (pain, engorgement, nipple damage) can often be explained by tongue-tie or lip-tie. I will explain effective diagnostic strategies and surgical interventions (scissors vs laser) in addressing these problems.
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Edith Kernerman is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and clinician in Toronto, seeing over 2000 breastfeeding families each year. She is co-founder and President of the International Breastfeeding Centre (IBC), co-founder and Clinic Director of the Newman Breastfeeding Clinic, (NBC), senior faculty at IBC’s Centre for Breastfeeding Studies, and an IBLCE mentor. She is the creator and founder of the International Meeting of the Minds, co-creator of Dr. Jack Newman’s Visual Guide to Breastfeeding, the L-Eat Latch and Transfer Tool; author of GamePlan for Protecting and Supporting Breastfeeding in the First 24 hours of Life and Beyond, and creator of the Pain Algorithm for Sore Nipples and Breasts. Her recent focus has been 1] not yet latching baby, 2] identifying and treating tongue and lip tie, 3] Mammary Constriction Syndrome. Kernerman is also co-founder and President of the Ontario Lactation Consultants Association. Edith Kernerman has 3 wonderful breastfed children.
Abstract:The International Breastfeeding Centre has been in need of a validated TT assessment tool that works for newborn and babies of any age, is very quick and easy to administer by a practitioner who has not been trained on the tool, has as few criteria as necessary, captures both anterior and posterior, as well as submucosal ties, is applicable to both breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding babies. Because of this need, IBC created such a tool and proceeded to have it validated. To this end IBC's goal was to achieve: 1. Criterion-related validity (compared to HATLFF); 2. Criterion-related validity (compared to physician's assessment); 3. Face validity (>4 Experts); and 4. Inter-rator reliability.
This talk discusses the applications of the IBC TT Assessment Tool, whether or not validation was achieved and the process to achieving it, and how the tool has been put into practice.
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James G. Murphy, MD, is a private practice pediatrician specializing in Breastfeeding Medicine. He was formerly an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the F. Edward Hérbert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He served 25 years active duty as a physician with the US Navy, 12 years as a contract pediatrician with the US Navy and 6 years as a Government Service Medical Officer at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego, CA. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a Fellow of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, Vice President of the San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition, a member of ILCA and, since 2009, an IBCLC. Dr Murphy began performing lingual frenulotomies in Oct 2003 and has performed over 2800 of these procedures to date including posterior sub-mucosal fibrous bands and 300 Upper Lip Tie releases.
Abstract:The concept of Tongue Tie has changed as expertise in the recognition and management of this entity has expanded. Also the consequences of not recognizing and effectively managing this entity and the “Faux Ties” which mimic it are many and expanding as data is collected to document the relationship. Breastfeeding is the most obvious and most severely affected function in infancy. Additional problems become apparent as the infant grows and develops into an ever more complicated organism. This presentation will discuss the many variations of tongue anatomy which present as a Tongue Tie, how to recognize each of these and the consequences of not managing this problem effectively in early infancy.
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Melissa Cole is a board-certified lactation consultant, neonatal oral-motor assessment professional and clinical herbalist in private practice. Melissa is passionate about providing comprehensive, holistic lactation support and improving the level of clinical lactation skills for health professional. She enjoys teaching, researching and writing about wellness and lactation-related topics. Her bachelor’s degree is in maternal/child health and lactation and her master’s degree is in therapeutic herbalism. Before pursuing her current path, Melissa’s background was in education and cultural arts, which has served her well in her work as a lactation consultant and healthcare educator. She loves living, working and playing in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her 3 children.
Abstract:A hotly debated topic among tongue tie professionals is pre and post-frenotomy care. Infants may have varying degrees of suck dysfunction and lip/ tongue mobility issues before and even after release. In addition, wound care of the incision sites, structural support, emotional support for the dyad and optimal feeding care plan formation is vital. Melissa Cole, IBCLC, RLC will present some pre and post-frenotomy case studies and care basics from her own clinical practice that have proven to improve frenotomy healing outcomes. Parents are often exhausted from the physical and emotional roller coaster that feeding a tongue/lip tied infant presents and sensitive care for the whole family is needed. Melissa also recognizes that pre and post-frenotomy care ‘best practice’ is still in its infancy and she proposes a call to research this subject matter further
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Renee is a board certified lactation consultant in private practice. She has been working in the field of lactation since the birth of her first child in 1990--as a La Leche League Leader, postpartum doula and IBCLC. She draws from her background in education and child development every time she works with a breastfeeding dyad. Since becoming certified in 1997, Renee has supported moms through home, hospital and clinic visits, drop-in groups in the Seattle area and phone and Skype consultations internationally. She has the great fortune to work closely with several local Drs. who do excellent frenotomy. Renee is thankful to live in breastfeeding-friendly Seattle, close to her 2 grown daughters.
Abstract:The diagnosis of tongue tie can send parents reeling. Especially true when they receive conflicting information from the pediatrician, various lactation consultants, nurses and other parents. In this age of instant information and social marketing, everyone seems to be an expert. What is a parent to do? Who does a mother trust? What is the right course of action? Using case studies from over 20 years in the field, Renee takes us through the tongue tie journey from the evaluation through the myriad possible steps to successful breastfeeding. Assessment, revision, body work, maintaining milk supply and keeping mothers “in the game” until baby can breastfeed all present challenges to the practitioner. This is especially true since each dyad needs it's own individualized plan that may morph frequently as treatment progresses. Join Renee as she takes you through the process of identification through resolution from the experience of her clients. She will also explore some cultural/regional differences and the challenges working with families through the tongue tie roller coaster.
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Dr. Speakers Full Name
Speaker Credentials
Annet Mulder first became interested in breastfeeding in the year 2000, when she became a mother for the
first time. During and because of her own breastfeeding experiences, in 2002 she became a volunteer
with the Dutch breastfeeding Organization and in 2008 sat for and passed the exam administered by the
International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners. As an International Board Certified Lactation
Consultant, she now
Annet Mulder first became interested in breastfeeding in the year 2000, when she became a mother for the
first time. During and because of her own breastfeeding experiences, in 2002 she became a volunteer
with the Dutch breastfeeding Organization text text text text more name mulder first became interested
in breastfeeding in the year 2000, when she became.
Abstract: Breastfeeding mothers may turn to formula and/or bottles for many
reasons. Some supplementing with formula by bottle when they reach out for help, and for some moms,
supplementing by alternative methods may be very overwhelming. Some moms need or choose a combination
of breast milk and formula and others may decide to give occasional or regular bottles of expressed
milk. Whatever the reason, as health care professionals helping a mother to breastfeed, it is our
job to be able to help her to reach her own personal goals even when she needs, or chooses to use,
bottles or formula. Learn about baby-led bottle feeding and why it's so important, different types
of formula, their uses and how to prepare them, and how this all fits in with the WHO code and our
code of professional conduct.
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