Conference Add-on Lecture Packs

Expand your conference experience with any of these focused educational series! In addition to the main conference, we are offering the option to extend your conference experience with 4 highly informative add-on lecture packages.

Breastfeeding Solutions for Preterm and Late Preterm Infants Lecture Pack

Preterm and late preterm infants have unique needs when it comes to feeding. Due to the fact that they are born before their brain, nervous system and body have had a chance to fully mature, they may have issues with things like suck-swallow-breathe coordination, poor muscle tone and disorganized sleep-wake cycles, all of which have an impact on an infant's ability to breastfeed effectively. This puts them at greater risk for complications such as slow weight gain, hypoglycemia, jaundice and failure to thrive. Increase your knowledge in supporting breastfeeding for preterm and late preterm infants.

  • From Challenges to Success: How to Choose and Use Nursing Supplementers in Lactation Support
    Alyssa Schnell, MS, IBCLC
  • Feeding to Thrive: Developmental Considerations and Support for Feeding the Premature Infant
    Chesney Willis, MHS, CCC-SLP, IBCLC
  • Building Breastfeeding Foundations: A Roadmap for Transitioning Preterm Infants From Bottle to Breast
    Constance Banks, RM, IBCLC
  • Supporting the Mental Health of Parents of Preterm and Late Preterm Babies
    Heather Latiolais Eure, PhD, IBCLC, PMH-C
  • Human Milk Fortification: Meeting the Unique Growth Needs of Preterm Infants
    Mark Johnson, PhD, BM, BSc, FRCPCH
  • Developing Feeding Skills & Fostering Sensory Development in the Late Preterm Infant
Learn more here


Sleep Solutions: Strategies for Nighttime Breastfeeding Success Lecture Pack

Sleep is a common concern for breastfeeding parents. Worries about frequent night waking, getting enough rest and ensuring safe sleep frequently come up during visits with care providers and challenges with sleep can have a significant impact on mental health. This package addresses concerns to support breastfeeding and safe sleep in an evidence-based way while also accommodating the need for rest and supporting mental health.

  • Integrating Safety & Biology: Practical and Clinical Aspects of Breastsleeping and Bedsharing
    Dyah Febriyanti, MD, IBCLC, FABM
  • Feeding, Crying, and Mother-Infant Sleep: Why Standard Sleep Advice Threatens Breastfeeding and Harms Maternal Mental Health
    Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC, FAPA
  • Strategies for Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding with Multiples
    Kathryn Stagg, IBCLC
  • Chrononutrition in Lactation: The Day-Night Rhythms of Human Milk
    Kelly Durbin, M.Ed., IBCLC
  • Supporting Families in a Sleep Crisis Without Sleep Training
    Lyndsey Hookway, PhD, RNC, HV, IBCLC
  • Strategies for Balancing Breastfeeding, Pumping and Sleep
    Nichelle Clark, IBCLC, IFC, HSC
Learn more here


Unlocking Milk Production: Keys to Clinical Assessment and Management Lecture Pack

Human milk production is a complicated physiological process. It's important for lactation care providers to have a solid understanding of how the process works to allow for problem solving when milk production is inadequate, and the ability to translate our knowledge into explanations that parents can understand. This package is designed to expand your knowledge of milk production by diving deeper into specific topics and also looking at how to put it all together in the context of a consult.

  • A Unique Case: Primary Amenorrhea and Strategies for Induced Lactation
    Anjar Setiani, MD, IBCLC
  • A Concert of Hormones: The Biology of the Mammary Gland and Regulation of Milk Production
    Anna Sadovnikova, PhD, IBCLC, MPH, MA
  • Navigating Exclusive Pumping: Insights From the Latest Research
    Charlotte Treitl, IBCLC
  • Supporting Milk Production Beyond the First Six Months
    Emma Pickett, IBCLC
  • MIND over MILK: Counseling Lactating Persons Through Milk Supply Concerns
    LaShanda Dandrich, IBCLC
  • Low Milk Production Triage: Prioritizing and Developing a Practical Plan of Action
    Molly Peterson, BS, IBCLC
Learn more here


Breast-Related Pathologies and Clinical Management During Lactation Lecture Pack

Having an understanding of breast anatomy and physiology and how to identify and manage pathology is a crucial part of a lactation professional's required knowledge. Breast-related pathologies can interfere with breastfeeding, cause significant pain and distress for the lactating parent and have a negative impact on mental health. This package brings together three experts to share their knowledge of common breast pathologies and their clinical management.

  • The Art and the Science: A Critical Look at the Physiology and Management of Mastitis
    Carmela Kika Baeza, MD, IBCLC
  • From Galactocele to Getting Breastfeeding Back on Track: A Clinical Case Study
    Dyah Febriyanti, MD, IBCLC, FABM
  • Developing An Action Plan for Mammary Hypoplasia: Improving our Understanding to Optimize Care
    Lisa Marasco, MA, IBCLC FILCA
Learn more here