GOLD Lactation 2025 Interactive Sessions

As part of our dedication to continuing to grow and push the boundaries of what is possible with online learning, we are excited to introduce a new element of the GOLD Lactation conference for 2025! Take your online conference learning experience further than ever before during these interactive sessions with top experts.

As our conference grows and we continue to explore new learning opportunities, we welcome you to join us for this enhanced learning experience. Tap into our speakers’ expertise, connect with your international colleagues, and develop skills you can apply directly to your practice. These sessions help to develop critical thinking skills with pre-presentation questionnaires and through engagement via polls, videos, and demonstrations or case studies during the presentation.

These interactive sessions include:

Megan Dunn

Diaper Diagnostics: Decoding Infant Elimination with Megan Dunn, BS, IBCLC, RLC, C-NDLS

Participants will gain insights into how human milk, antibiotics, diet changes, and supplements influence stooling frequency, color, and consistency. The session will also cover low-risk management techniques to enhance infant gastrointestinal function and alleviate symptoms of discomfort and colic.

Live Wednesday, April 23. View Topic & Abstract

Maryse Arendt

The International Code as a Living Document: The Latest on Digital Marketing with Maryse Arendt, IBCLC, BScED (Bachelor Educational Sciences)

Participants will gain understanding of the extensive work done on the Code in the past years to look into the power of digital marketing, the different types of digital marketing and its potential impact on breastfeeding. Digital marketing is extremely effective and often not recognizable as advertising and it still goes below the radar of regulators in many countries. Participants will learn about the newest information of the 2025 deliberations among members states to adopt a guidance on regulatory measures aimed at restricting digital marketing of breastmilk substitutes.

Live Monday, April 28. View Topic & Abstract

Leslie R. Kowalski

Sucking Exercises to Manage Sucking Dysfunction with Leslie R. Kowalski, PhD, IBCLC

Participants will focus on the role of the IBCLC in aiding infant suckling skills. Taking into account supporting the feeding goals of the family as well as aiding the infant's skills over time - whether it's learning to feed more efficiently after birth, or resolving feeding dysfunction.

Live Monday, April 28. View Topic & Abstract

Kelly Durbin

The Night Shift Effect: Navigating Breastfeeding After Nighttime Birth with Kelly Durbin, M.Ed., IBCLC

Participants will explore strategies known to enhance breastfeeding that parents can utilize after a nighttime birth, with or without the assistance of high-level lactation support, as well as various strategies that lactation consultants can use to help remediate breastfeeding challenges resulting from nighttime birth.

Live Monday, May 12. View Topic & Abstract

We look forward to the engagement, growth, and new ideas that will emerge from these interactive sessions!

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