Technical Support
GOLD Lactation Online Conference is available for individuals of any level of computer knowledge, from the first timer to the tech savy. An easy & fun conference flow allows individuals to seamlessly view live & recorded presentations, track their attendance and generate their attendance certificate. If you do experience ANY issue, fear not, we're here to help! If you are experiencing issues with the website, registration or viewing the presentations, please first review the suggestions below. If you continue to have problems do not hesitate to contact our technical support staff. We are standing by to assist you.
- Always here! GOLD Lactation Technical staff will provide online technical support for delegates during the Conference through various forms of communication including email, phone & online chat.
- **IMPORTANT** Take the 20 second Technology Test now to check your Computer's capabilities. Click Here.
- Download the Adobe Connect application - Adobe Connect is free to download!
Download the latest version of Adobe Connect for Window or Mac OS here -
- Delegates are strongly advised to ensure that their computer and software configuration meet the following specifications:
- Minimum Internet connection speed: At least 56.6kbps + is recommended.
- Speakers or a headset.
- Apple / MAC Users - Mac OS X 10.6 - 10.9 Supported - Please note if you have OS X 10.5 or lower, you will be required to upgrade your operating system or use a different computer.
- Latest version of Adobe Reader (for Handouts) - Click Here.
- Lower Internet connection speeds will affect the quality of your live conference experience. You may need to limit the use of certain devices that are using the internet while watching the presentations (Skype, Netflix, Other connected devices).
- Browsers - If you are experiencing an issue accessing the website with a certain browser, please upgrade your browser or try using Google Chrome. To find out your version of your browser, please visit
Mobile Viewers
We are excited to announce Mobile Device access to our LIVE and Recorded presentations! Please review the instructions below that pertain to your device.
Live Presentations - Please download the FREE Adobe Connect Application. The App will automatically open when you view presentations through the Live Presentation Lobby.
- Adobe Connect New App - iOS / Apple Devices on iTunes
- Adobe Connect App - Android Devices through Google Play Store
Recorded Presentation & Add-on Lectures - Just open the lecture in your regular browser! No additional applications or software are needed.
Currently some mobile devices are not supported or have limited support. This includes the Kindle Fire HD and any Smart TV's - We are working towards finding solution for these devices but for now we recommend a supported desktop/laptop or tablet.
Issues When Watching a Presentation?
Sometimes unstable internet connections can lead to viewing interruptions. Unstable connections are caused by the following:
- Poor WIFI Signal
- Low Bandwidth Availability - Other devices in the household using the internet
- Low Resources available on your computer
Please do all the following steps. If you still are experiencing issues, please contact us for further technical support
- Unplug the power to your WIFI Router / Modem for 30 seconds and then plug the power back in
- Ensure other devices in the household are not using a lot of internet resources - ex. Netflix, Downloading, Streaming.
- Restart your computer
- Access the presentation again and enjoy!