Presentation Information
Natural, Toxic or Who Knows? The implications of breastfeeding and marijuana use
- Speaker: Laurel A. Wilson , IBCLC, BSc, CLE, CLD, CCCE, CLSP
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
As the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana increases around the world, the potential for babies to be impacted by this herb during breastfeeding increases exponentially. In the United States, several states have recently legalized or are on the path to legalizing the consumption of marijuana (cannabis). This trend has led to more lactation consultants and healthcare professionals being faced with the question, "Is it safe for me to use marijuana while I breastfeed?" The answers given vary widely and this is due largely to myth, bias, and poorly conducted and accessed research. The Medications and Mother's Milk Guide considers cannabis to be an L5, contraindicated for breastfeeding while Lactnet states that it is preferable for users to continue breastfeeding and yet minimize the baby's exposure to smoke. These widely differing recommendations lead healthcare professionals to scratch their heads and face the knowledge that they just don't know what to say to mothers. Additionally, there are reports of social services removing babies from homes due to mother's marijuana use while breastfeeding. This presentation looks at the most recent research and policies surrounding this controversial herb
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 27, 2015
Create a Reminder 27-04-2015 23:00 28-04-2015 00:00 35 Natural, Toxic or Who Knows? The implications of breastfeeding and marijuana use As the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana increases around the world, the potential for babies to be impacted by this herb during breastfeeding increases exponentially. In the United States, several states have recently legalized or are on the path to legalizing the consumption of marijuana (cannabis). This trend has led to more lactation consultants and healthcare professionals being faced with the question, "Is it safe for me to use marijuana while I breastfeed?" The answers given vary widely and this is due largely to myth, bias, and poorly conducted and accessed research. The Medications and Mother's Milk Guide considers cannabis to be an L5, contraindicated for breastfeeding while Lactnet states that it is preferable for users to continue breastfeeding and yet minimize the baby's exposure to smoke. These widely differing recommendations lead healthcare professionals to scratch their heads and face the knowledge that they just don't know what to say to mothers. Additionally, there are reports of social services removing babies from homes due to mother's marijuana use while breastfeeding. This presentation looks at the most recent research and policies surrounding this controversial herb GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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