Presentation Information
Whiners and Deniers: Ethics and Diplomacy in Difficult Cases
- Speaker: Elizabeth C Brooks , JD, IBCLC, FILCA
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
When and how can IBCLCs speak up … without losing their jobs or professional credibility? Is it ever appropriate for IBCLCs to “chase down and correct” negative comments about their clinical practice, rumored to be coming from a former client? What is the best course of action if the primary healthcare provider (HCP) for the parent or baby flat out disagrees with the IBCLC’s assessment or care plan? If all HCPs should support and promote breastfeeding, how can the IBCLC get them to read, understand and appreciate all the new research on tongue-tie, skin-to-skin, co-sleeping, brain development, and birth practices that impact breastfeeding? This presentation arms the IBCLC with information about ethics-based practice-guiding authority underpinning clinical practice, provides tips on how to handle combative or abusive clients or colleagues, and offers “scripts” for keeping information-sharing diplomatic, and patient-centered.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 26, 2016
Create a Reminder 26-04-2016 23:00 27-04-2016 00:00 35 Whiners and Deniers: Ethics and Diplomacy in Difficult Cases When and how can IBCLCs speak up … without losing their jobs or professional credibility? Is it ever appropriate for IBCLCs to “chase down and correct” negative comments about their clinical practice, rumored to be coming from a former client? What is the best course of action if the primary healthcare provider (HCP) for the parent or baby flat out disagrees with the IBCLC’s assessment or care plan? If all HCPs should support and promote breastfeeding, how can the IBCLC get them to read, understand and appreciate all the new research on tongue-tie, skin-to-skin, co-sleeping, brain development, and birth practices that impact breastfeeding? This presentation arms the IBCLC with information about ethics-based practice-guiding authority underpinning clinical practice, provides tips on how to handle combative or abusive clients or colleagues, and offers “scripts” for keeping information-sharing diplomatic, and patient-centered. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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