Presentation Information
Bridging the Gaps to Provide a Continuum of Care
- Speaker: Christy Jo Hendricks , IBCLC, RLC, CLE, CCCE
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
Promoting collaborations among caregivers and healthcare providers to ensure consistent and continual breastfeeding support.
This talk uses humor and scenarios to point out the necessity that those entrusted with a family’s care be professional, inclusive and open in order to provide the best support possible.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 11, 2017
Create a Reminder 11-04-2017 23:00 12-04-2017 00:00 35 Bridging the Gaps to Provide a Continuum of Care Promoting collaborations among caregivers and healthcare providers to ensure consistent and continual breastfeeding support. This talk uses humor and scenarios to point out the necessity that those entrusted with a family’s care be professional, inclusive and open in order to provide the best support possible. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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