Presentation Information
Weaning: Supporting Families Stopping Lactation and/or Ending Their Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Relationship
- Speaker: Joy MacTavish , IBCLC, RLC, MA
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
While lactation support spans the time from the prenatal period through weaning, there is less available information about the process of weaning. We know that there are a variety of reasons why families need or desire to stop lactation. We also know that there are emotions and logistics involved in ending a breastfeeding/chestfeeding relationship. Depending on the goals, timeline, and individual context of each dyad there are a variety of factors that need to be considered by the family. Unfortunately, these families often feel that the clinical information and emotional support available for weaning is lacking.
Evidence-based support presented in a compassionate manner can make a world of difference to the individual's decision-making process and overall weaning experience. For lactation supporters and professionals, being able to support families who are stopping lactation and/or ending their breastfeeding/chestfeeding relationship is a vital skill. This presentation will offer research-based information about the reasons for weaning, steps lactation supporters and professionals can take when working with families, and scripts for compassionate phrasing while offering this important information and support.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 16, 2018
Create a Reminder 16-04-2018 23:00 17-04-2018 00:00 35 Weaning: Supporting Families Stopping Lactation and/or Ending Their Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Relationship While lactation support spans the time from the prenatal period through weaning, there is less available information about the process of weaning. We know that there are a variety of reasons why families need or desire to stop lactation. We also know that there are emotions and logistics involved in ending a breastfeeding/chestfeeding relationship. Depending on the goals, timeline, and individual context of each dyad there are a variety of factors that need to be considered by the family. Unfortunately, these families often feel that the clinical information and emotional support available for weaning is lacking.Evidence-based support presented in a compassionate manner can make a world of difference to the individual's decision-making process and overall weaning experience. For lactation supporters and professionals, being able to support families who are stopping lactation and/or ending their breastfeeding/chestfeeding relationship is a vital skill. This presentation will offer research-based information about the reasons for weaning, steps lactation supporters and professionals can take when working with families, and scripts for compassionate phrasing while offering this important information and support. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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