Presentation Information
Could Breastfeeding Help Prevent and Overcome Sensory Food Aversion?
- Speaker: Carole Hervé , IBCLC, BNCLC
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
Children with Sensory Food Aversions consistently refuse to eat certain foods related to the taste, texture, temperature, smell and/or appearance. Feedings or mealtimes are therefore a displeasure for everyone.
Oral disorders are eating disorders caused by hypersensitivity.
Food aversions are common and believed to occur along a spectrum of severity, with some children reluctant to try new foods, and refusing whole food groups (vegetables, fruits, meats). Indeed, after an aversive experience, some children tend to generalize and refuse foods that look and/or smell like the aversive food (e.g., aversion to broccoli may be generalized to all green foods).
Reactions to the aversive foods can range from grimacing to gagging, throwing up, or spitting out the food. Some babies cannot even accept to be touched near their face, or mouth, they may not accept to be held in a wrap. Some children can't stand to have dirty hands, to walk in the sand, to be touched.
While this can be a challenge when a mother is trying to start solid food, this hypersensitivity may also even start with breastfeeding.
Babies need proper nutrition to grow and thrive, and difficulties with feeding in infancy can be a worrisome and become a dangerous condition. There are many different reasons why a baby may struggle with feeding. All merit evaluation and treatment. This conference aims at exploring solutions to support families who deal with oral aversion.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 24, 2019
Create a Reminder 24-04-2019 21:00 24-04-2019 22:00 35 Could Breastfeeding Help Prevent and Overcome Sensory Food Aversion? Children with Sensory Food Aversions consistently refuse to eat certain foods related to the taste, texture, temperature, smell and/or appearance. Feedings or mealtimes are therefore a displeasure for everyone. Oral disorders are eating disorders caused by hypersensitivity. Food aversions are common and believed to occur along a spectrum of severity, with some children reluctant to try new foods, and refusing whole food groups (vegetables, fruits, meats). Indeed, after an aversive experience, some children tend to generalize and refuse foods that look and/or smell like the aversive food (e.g., aversion to broccoli may be generalized to all green foods). Reactions to the aversive foods can range from grimacing to gagging, throwing up, or spitting out the food. Some babies cannot even accept to be touched near their face, or mouth, they may not accept to be held in a wrap. Some children can't stand to have dirty hands, to walk in the sand, to be touched. While this can be a challenge when a mother is trying to start solid food, this hypersensitivity may also even start with breastfeeding. Babies need proper nutrition to grow and thrive, and difficulties with feeding in infancy can be a worrisome and become a dangerous condition. There are many different reasons why a baby may struggle with feeding. All merit evaluation and treatment. This conference aims at exploring solutions to support families who deal with oral aversion. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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