Presentation Information
Lessons to Learn from Fed Is Best: How Can We Improve Our Care?
- Speaker: Kathleen Kendall-Tackett , PhD, IBCLC, FAPA
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
Fed is Best is a foundation with a major social media presence who seek to warn parents and practitioners about the dangers of insufficient exclusive breastfeeding. Through their social media campaigns that have galvanized a backlash against exclusive breastfeeding, lactation care providers, and the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. Although lactation specialists disagree with much of their content, they have raised awareness about mothers who do fall through the cracks of our care system and may suffer as a result. The steep drop-off in rates of exclusive breastfeeding is an indication of this. This presentation will examine three provider-level barriers that negatively impact breastfeeding and what we can do to improve care so that mothers will reach their breastfeeding goals.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 24, 2019
Create a Reminder 24-04-2019 19:00 24-04-2019 20:00 35 Lessons to Learn from Fed Is Best: How Can We Improve Our Care? Fed is Best is a foundation with a major social media presence who seek to warn parents and practitioners about the dangers of insufficient exclusive breastfeeding. Through their social media campaigns that have galvanized a backlash against exclusive breastfeeding, lactation care providers, and the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. Although lactation specialists disagree with much of their content, they have raised awareness about mothers who do fall through the cracks of our care system and may suffer as a result. The steep drop-off in rates of exclusive breastfeeding is an indication of this. This presentation will examine three provider-level barriers that negatively impact breastfeeding and what we can do to improve care so that mothers will reach their breastfeeding goals. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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