Presentation Information
Effect of the Spray Drying Process, High Pressures, and Radiation on the Nutritional Quality of Human Milk
- Speaker: Blanca Rosa Aguilar Uscanga , PhD
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
Human milk is the first food that the newborn receives and provides all the nutrients necessary for its growth. In order to feed children with breastfeeding problems, Human Milk Banks (BLH) were implemented, which conserve this food through pasteurization and freezing processes. Because human milk is very perishable, this work will present some results obtained on spray drying, high hydrostatic pressures, and UV radiation in human milk, in order to preserve and avoid loss of nutrients in this food, as well as offer a new alternative to the BLH for its conservation.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 7, 2021
Create a Reminder 07-04-2021 17:00 07-04-2021 18:00 35 Effect of the Spray Drying Process, High Pressures, and Radiation on the Nutritional Quality of Human Milk Human milk is the first food that the newborn receives and provides all the nutrients necessary for its growth. In order to feed children with breastfeeding problems, Human Milk Banks (BLH) were implemented, which conserve this food through pasteurization and freezing processes. Because human milk is very perishable, this work will present some results obtained on spray drying, high hydrostatic pressures, and UV radiation in human milk, in order to preserve and avoid loss of nutrients in this food, as well as offer a new alternative to the BLH for its conservation. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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