Presentation Information
Diet Culture and Fat-Phobia: Supportive Counseling Around Weight, Health & Lactation
- Speaker: Bonnie Logsdon , RD, LD, IBCLC
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
The medical community spends a lot of time and energy discussing weight as it relates to health. This message becomes a focus particularly in the postpartum period when people begin to think about “dropping the baby weight”. A frequently shared statement about breastfeeding is that it may cause weight loss. This information can be the driver for some to decide to breastfeed.
Weight stigma is a topic that surrounds our tiny clients as early as in the womb when we talk about delivering a “big baby” or as we focus on growth charts and weight gain for babies which can be a big trigger for the parent who may have a past history of disordered eating. Comments about a baby being “too big” or having reached a certain weight and now needs solid foods sooner are often discussed.
What do our intake forms ask as it relates to weight or past history of eating disorders? How does our office furniture function to seat people comfortably with all body types? How do we communicate to clients about food intake and the impact of lactation, appropriate weight gain for a baby, or the benefits of breastfeeding?
As healthcare professionals, we have to acknowledge our own biases around weight stigma and actively work to change the way we practice to be weight inclusive for the dyad.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 17, 2023
Create a Reminder 17-04-2023 17:00 17-04-2023 18:00 35 Diet Culture and Fat-Phobia: Supportive Counseling Around Weight, Health & Lactation The medical community spends a lot of time and energy discussing weight as it relates to health. This message becomes a focus particularly in the postpartum period when people begin to think about “dropping the baby weight”. A frequently shared statement about breastfeeding is that it may cause weight loss. This information can be the driver for some to decide to breastfeed. Weight stigma is a topic that surrounds our tiny clients as early as in the womb when we talk about delivering a “big baby” or as we focus on growth charts and weight gain for babies which can be a big trigger for the parent who may have a past history of disordered eating. Comments about a baby being “too big” or having reached a certain weight and now needs solid foods sooner are often discussed. What do our intake forms ask as it relates to weight or past history of eating disorders? How does our office furniture function to seat people comfortably with all body types? How do we communicate to clients about food intake and the impact of lactation, appropriate weight gain for a baby, or the benefits of breastfeeding? As healthcare professionals, we have to acknowledge our own biases around weight stigma and actively work to change the way we practice to be weight inclusive for the dyad. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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