Presentation Information
Cannabis Use During Lactation: Evidence-Based and Parent Centred Care
- Speaker: Treasure McGuire , PhD, BSc, BPharm, GradDipClinHospPharm Adv Prac Pharm, GCHEd, CertIVTAE, FACP, FPS
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
Cannabis is the most consumed psychoactive drug, with global estimated use approaching 200,000 million people. Legalization in different countries, together with apparent safety perception, has led to increased cannabis use by up to 5% of pregnant and breastfeeding women. This presents significant challenges for health professionals who promote breastfeeding. As central nervous system drugs need to be sufficiently lipophilic to pass the blood brain barrier, there will be extensive cannabis passage into lipophilic breast milk. Pre- and post-natal exposure is likely to impact not only on the mother but may also induce neurobiological alterations in the infant that persist beyond the first 1000 days of life. This presentation will take an evidence-based approach to outline the pharmacology, potential benefits, and risks of the main cannabinoids (THC and CBD) used in their various dose forms (ingested oils, topical gels or inhalation of buds by pipe or vaporizer). It will focus on the available evidence, potential consequences, and considerations when cannabis is used in lactation. Regardless of personal opinion, it is imperative that women feel comfortable to ask questions of their primary health care professionals about cannabis use or misuse while breastfeeding, to promote harm minimization.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 18, 2023
Create a Reminder 18-04-2023 21:00 18-04-2023 22:00 35 Cannabis Use During Lactation: Evidence-Based and Parent Centred Care Cannabis is the most consumed psychoactive drug, with global estimated use approaching 200,000 million people. Legalization in different countries, together with apparent safety perception, has led to increased cannabis use by up to 5% of pregnant and breastfeeding women. This presents significant challenges for health professionals who promote breastfeeding. As central nervous system drugs need to be sufficiently lipophilic to pass the blood brain barrier, there will be extensive cannabis passage into lipophilic breast milk. Pre- and post-natal exposure is likely to impact not only on the mother but may also induce neurobiological alterations in the infant that persist beyond the first 1000 days of life. This presentation will take an evidence-based approach to outline the pharmacology, potential benefits, and risks of the main cannabinoids (THC and CBD) used in their various dose forms (ingested oils, topical gels or inhalation of buds by pipe or vaporizer). It will focus on the available evidence, potential consequences, and considerations when cannabis is used in lactation. Regardless of personal opinion, it is imperative that women feel comfortable to ask questions of their primary health care professionals about cannabis use or misuse while breastfeeding, to promote harm minimization. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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