Presentation Information
Breastcrawl: from Science to Implementation
- Speaker: Dr. Kartikeya Bhagat , Ob/Gyn (FICOG), IBCLC
- Speaker: Dr. Prashant Gangal , MD, DCH, IBCLC
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
The phenomenon of Breast Crawl is unique due to multitude of Neuro-Endocrine components in the baby and the synchronized Neuro-Endocrine platform provided by the mother. The scientific details will help the Health Care Providers to understand the reasoning behind dos and don’ts for successful implementation of Breast Crawl. Addressing the obstacles to initiate breastfeeding by Breast Crawl in any maternity set up is a challenge for administrators as well public health experts. It is time that WHO and UNICEF declare Breast Crawl as the universally recommended method to initiate breastfeeding because that is exactly the process described in revised BFHI documents. Breast Crawl phenomenon is also a rich fertile ground for many research avenues like breastfeeding success, neuro-motor development, neonatal mortality, bonding etc. The entire spectrum from initiation with Breast Crawl and Baby Led Attachment to KMC in pre-term as well as full term newborns is worth exploring.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 29, 2014
Create a Reminder 29-04-2014 15:00 29-04-2014 16:00 35 Breastcrawl: from Science to Implementation The phenomenon of Breast Crawl is unique due to multitude of Neuro-Endocrine components in the baby and the synchronized Neuro-Endocrine platform provided by the mother. The scientific details will help the Health Care Providers to understand the reasoning behind dos and don’ts for successful implementation of Breast Crawl. Addressing the obstacles to initiate breastfeeding by Breast Crawl in any maternity set up is a challenge for administrators as well public health experts. It is time that WHO and UNICEF declare Breast Crawl as the universally recommended method to initiate breastfeeding because that is exactly the process described in revised BFHI documents. Breast Crawl phenomenon is also a rich fertile ground for many research avenues like breastfeeding success, neuro-motor development, neonatal mortality, bonding etc. The entire spectrum from initiation with Breast Crawl and Baby Led Attachment to KMC in pre-term as well as full term newborns is worth exploring. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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