Presentation Information

Dyah Febriyanti

Integrating Safety & Biology: Practical and Clinical Aspects of Breastsleeping and Bedsharing

  • Speaker: Dyah Febriyanti , MD, IBCLC, FABM
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU

To ensure successful breastfeeding for two years or beyond, the mother should breastfeed her infant on demand, including at night. Breastsleeping, a concept of sustained contact between mother and baby that integrates sleeping and breastfeeding, allows the mother to breastfeed her baby while lying in bed together at night. This concept necessitates bedsharing, a sleeping arrangement in which the infant shares a bed with the mother.
While bedsharing is a common practice in Eastern cultures, Western countries do not encourage it for nighttime care due to safety concerns. Since the physiology and behavior of non-breastfeeding dyads during bed sharing may differ from those of breastfeeding dyads, different approaches may be required. Research has shown that bedsharing among breastfeeding mothers provides greater protection for babies against SIDS when there are no known medical or practical hazards whereas a notably greater incidence of SIDS has been associated with feeding formula or human milk substitutes.
Safe bedsharing practices and breastfeeding support are essential to optimizing breastfeeding and resolving the intricate issues that arise. Healthcare providers should evaluate medical and practical concerns, address breastfeeding problems, educate parents about the benefits of bedsharing for breastfed babies, and promote healthy sleeping habits through engaging in nonjudgmental bi-directional discussion in a culturally acceptable manner. This presentation shares the latest research and thoughts on best practice.

Live Presentation Schedule

Mar 28, 2025