Presentation Information
Unwritten Rules: Navigating Lactation Care Without IBCLC Specific Best Practice Guidelines
- Speaker: Panel Discussion 1 ,
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits:
This panel will explore the complexities of providing lactation care when we don’t have best practice guidelines that are specific to the IBCLC’s unique knowledge, skills and scope of practice. There is a gap in the field of lactation care in that we don’t have a professional organization publishing clinical best practice guidelines that are freely available to both practitioners and the public. This panel will discuss the impact of this gap on both client care and the practitioner. Panelists will consider the value of best practice guidelines, the challenges of non-existent, inaccessible, limited or conflicting protocols, and the balance between clinical judgment and strict adherence to available guidelines.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 16, 2025
Create a Reminder 16-04-2025 17:00 16-04-2025 18:00 35 Unwritten Rules: Navigating Lactation Care Without IBCLC Specific Best Practice Guidelines This panel will explore the complexities of providing lactation care when we don’t have best practice guidelines that are specific to the IBCLC’s unique knowledge, skills and scope of practice. There is a gap in the field of lactation care in that we don’t have a professional organization publishing clinical best practice guidelines that are freely available to both practitioners and the public. This panel will discuss the impact of this gap on both client care and the practitioner. Panelists will consider the value of best practice guidelines, the challenges of non-existent, inaccessible, limited or conflicting protocols, and the balance between clinical judgment and strict adherence to available guidelines. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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