Presentation Information
Epidural Anesthesia and its Impact on Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration
- Speaker: Dianne Cassidy , MA, IBCLC-RLC, ALC
- Presentation Type:
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU
Epidural use during labor has been increasing over the last several years. Along with the increase in epidural use, we have also seen an increase in cesarean deliveries, breastfeeding issues, and a decrease in breastfeeding duration. Increasing breastfeeding support to women who desire a medicated delivery may help to increase breastfeeding rates overall. This presentation will help the provider to become more aware of the possible negative effects that may prevail when epidural use during labor and delivery is promoted as safe for both mother and baby. Women should have the opportunity to make an informed decision about their medical care. It is the responsibility of providers who are working with new mothers and babies to recognize when breastfeeding is affected by medical intervention and are able to offer proper support.
Live Presentation Schedule
Apr 29, 2014
Create a Reminder 29-04-2014 19:00 29-04-2014 20:00 35 Epidural Anesthesia and its Impact on Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration Epidural use during labor has been increasing over the last several years. Along with the increase in epidural use, we have also seen an increase in cesarean deliveries, breastfeeding issues, and a decrease in breastfeeding duration. Increasing breastfeeding support to women who desire a medicated delivery may help to increase breastfeeding rates overall. This presentation will help the provider to become more aware of the possible negative effects that may prevail when epidural use during labor and delivery is promoted as safe for both mother and baby. Women should have the opportunity to make an informed decision about their medical care. It is the responsibility of providers who are working with new mothers and babies to recognize when breastfeeding is affected by medical intervention and are able to offer proper support. GOLD Lactation Conference false DD/MM/YYYY
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