GOLD Speakers

Lori Cromer, OTR/L
Andrea Herron, RN, MN, CPNP, IBCLC
- Country: United States
Andrea Herron, is one of the first and longest continuous certified pediatric nurse
practitioners in the United States. After more than 40 years working with breastfeeding
mothers and their babies and teaching parenting classes, she is among one of the
most experienced consultant in the field of lactation. Regardless of the issue or concern,
Andrea has guided thousands of mothers to meet their breastfeeding and early parenting
goals through support groups, lactation consultations, and childrearing education. After
receiving a Master's in pediatric nursing from UCLA, Andrea became an early pioneer in
the back-to-breastfeeding movement, and educated health professionals as an instructor
in the UCLA lactation educator course, all over the United States. Her private lactation practice,
Growing with Baby in San Luis Obispo, California, was used as the national model for
private practices by Women Infant and Children (WIC), the federally funded health and
nutrition program. One of her favorite and most popular topics she teaches through her
Growing with Baby parenting groups is, Understanding Your Infant’s Temperament.
This topic and many of the other topics she teaches are included in her newly released
book, Suckle, Sleep, Thrive: Breastfeeding Success Through Understanding Your Baby’s
Cues. Co-written with Lisa Rizzo.
Andrea has been married to Larry Herron, an orthopedic spine surgeon,
for over 35 years. They are the proud parents of a grown son,
two Labradors, and a cat. The couple reside in Shell Beach,
Lori has worked with high-risk infants/children and their families for 30 years. She graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Occupational Therapy. In 1996, she became certified in Pediatric Neuro-developmental Treatment. In 2004, she acquired an Advance Practice Certification in Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing.
After graduation, she worked at Simi Valley Hospital, Child Development Center. In this setting, Lori provided occupational therapy services to children age birth to 16 years old with a variety of diagnoses and needs. For the past 17 years she has been providing occupational therapy services to high-risk babies/children in their home and community as a consultant for Tri-counties Regional Center and through her private practice. Her focus has been on feeding difficulties and treating infant developmental delays. In addition, she sees patients privately and jointly with Andrea Herron RN, MN, CPNP, IBCLC, in the Growing With Baby Center. Recently, Lori has joined the NICU team at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center as a feeding specialist.
Lori lives with her teenage son and husband in beautiful Morro Bay California.